AMBITIONS: Acting. I've studied musical theater, but I prefer drama. TURN-ONS: My husband. TURNOFFS: Being inactive, getting up too early. JOB HISTORY: Acting, dancing, singing, ballet instructor. HOBBIES: Guitar, painting, writing and folk music. I STAY BUSY WITH: Swimming, badminton and hiking. WHAT I LIKE IN MEN: Sincerity in their friendships. WHAT I DISLIKE IN MEN: Boorishness. There exists in this world a small but notable number of girls to whom artistic endeavors come naturally. Such a gifted one is our September Playmate, a dark-tressed Los Angeleno named Victoria Valentino, whose talents, like her figure, are wondrously well-rounded. Vicky has many irons in the creative fire: she paints, she sings, she dances,
Victoria Valentino's Awards: Playmate Of The Month , September , 1963 Victoria Valentino Statistics: Bust: 35, Waist: 22.00, Hips: 35.00, Height: 63.00, Weight: 110, Birth Date: Dec. 13, 1942, Birth Place: Hollywood, California USA,Visit Playboy Plus to see more Victoria Valentino nude pictures and videos.