Bree Massey Nude - Playboy Coed

1. What part of a guy do you study first?
The first thing is his eyes. His body and physical appearance are important, but the way a guy looks at me is what makes him sexy. Is he gaping at me with a sad puppy-dog-in-love look, sleazily looking at my body, or gazing at me with an inviting glance?

2. What's the party scene like at your school?
I like going out for random nights on the town in Montreal and seeing what will come of them. The parties are fun, but once you can predict how your night will end up, it's time to find a new scene. My friends and I used to go to dirty bars, but as we get older, people are going to more supper clubs and hotel bars. One of my favorites is called Upper Club. It's on St. Laurent and is great on Monday nights.

3. What are some of your favorite things?
I love champagne because it goes pop and lights up my life. Short skirts are fun to bounce around in. I love traveling, watching guys work out, and "wine-o'clock," that time ...

Bree Massey's Awards: Coed

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