Be successful at everything we do -- public relations, modeling and being a good mother.
Intelligence, romance, honesty and courage.
Ignorace, lack of class, lies and weak personalities.
Everything we've achieved we owe to our best teacher and our biggest cheerleader, our mother. Thanks, Mamita.
There is nothing you cannot overcome, no dream you cannot achieve, because there's always hope. We're living proof of it.
DARLENE BERNAOLA IS SCANNING HER DATE BOOK, shaking her head at page after page of appointments. "I am so busy," she says with a grin, "I have no life." She's selling herself short: At the age of 23, Darlene and her twin sister, Carol, have led extraordinary lives. From the jungles of Peru to the beaches of Miami to the pages of Playboy, they've overcome poverty, isolation, terrorism, language barriers and physical calamity to become our first Playmates of the new millennium. Now the twins are enjoying the whirlwind and taking pride in the drive and determination that got them here. "After the lives we've led, with all the hard work, everything has paid off," says Carol. "This is our dream."
Visit Playboy Plus to see more Bernaola Twins nude pictures and videos.